The misguided Aryan invasion theory has made a long lasting damage to the Indian psyche and divided the people.
The word "arya" is probably one of the most misused, misunderstood and misinterpreted words in recent times.
Let us see the true meaning of Arya as intended in Vedas.

Arya is the person who cultivates the field that the Supreme Spirit has made for him, his earth of plenty within and without. He is the person who does not leave his field barren but labours to exact from it its full yield.
He is an Aryan by such an effort. Arya is a warrior who fights for the sublime Wisdom. Here the word wisdom means the choice as well as the knowledge of that which is the best, noblest, most luminous and most divine.
It also refers to the knowledge of all things and reverence for all things for the sake of universal Deity who chooses to dwell equally in all.
This choice entails a battle, a struggle. It is not easily made. It is not easily enforced.

Arya is the warrior who makes that choice. He seeks to climb from level to level up the hill of the divine. He fears nothing. He is deterred by no retardation or defeat. He shrinks from no vastness because it is too vast for his intelligence, no height because it is too high for his spirit.
He fears no greatness because it is too great for his force and courage. Such a person is the true Aryan, the divine fighter and victor, the noble man, the shrestha of the Gita.

Self conquest is the first law of the nature of Arya. He overcomes earth and the body and does not consent like ordinary men to their dullness, inertia, dead routine and tamasic limitations.
He overcomes life and its energies and refuses to be dominated by their hungers and cravings and enslaved by their rajasic passions.

Evidence from Genetics
The new DNA Study in the year 2019 has challenged the Aryan invasion theory. In a major challenge to the popular “Aryan Invasion” theory, an Indo-US team of researchers presented scientific evidence from the Harappan era to argue that such a large scale migration from central Asia to India never happened.
The evidence comes from the analysis of DNA samples extracted from the skeleton of a woman buried in Rakhigarhi four to five millenia ago.
Located near Hisar in Haryana, Rakhigarhi is the largest Indus Valley Civilisation site known so far. Researchers matched their findings from samples that they collected from 11 other skeletons from around the world and compared them with known scientific data to arrive at a comprehensive picture on a complex migration pattern seen in Asia a few thousand years ago.Research showed the Vedic culture was developed by indigenous people of South Asia.
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